Database repair results

The wpm4ar_users table is okay.

The wpm4ar_usermeta table is okay.

The wpm4ar_posts table is okay.

The wpm4ar_comments table is okay.

The wpm4ar_links table is okay.

The wpm4ar_options table is okay.

The wpm4ar_postmeta table is okay.

The wpm4ar_terms table is okay.

The wpm4ar_term_taxonomy table is okay.

The wpm4ar_term_relationships table is okay.

The wpm4ar_termmeta table is okay.

The wpm4ar_commentmeta table is okay.

The wpm4ar_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta table is okay.

The wpm4ar_woocommerce_order_itemmeta table is okay.

The wpm4ar_wc_product_meta_lookup table is okay.

The wpm4ar_wc_tax_rate_classes table is okay.

The wpm4ar_wc_reserved_stock table is okay.

The wpm4ar_actionscheduler_actions table is okay.

The wpm4ar_actionscheduler_claims table is okay.

The wpm4ar_actionscheduler_groups table is okay.

The wpm4ar_actionscheduler_logs table is okay.

The wpm4ar_wc_category_lookup table is okay.

Repairs complete. Please remove the following line from wp-config.php to prevent this page from being used by unauthorized users.

define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);